Thursday, November 7, 2013

Debunking Medical Cannabis Myths

Medical marijuana is a type of herbal medicine that a lot of Americans find hard to recognize as legitimate. The media coverage toward cannabis has created a negative image on the possibility of using it as a medicinal herb. The following are some common myths that many people believe:

  1. Marijuana causes memory loss. Cannabis has a very marginal effect on short-term memory and it does not have any negative impact on acquired skills. Several studies have been made regarding this and the results paint a very different picture.
  2. Using marijuana is the same as smoking cigarettes. As smoking marijuana is probably the most popular form of ingestion, many assume that it has the same effect as cigarettes. However, in reality, cigarettes contain addictive substances like nicotine as well as numerous chemicals, and they are well known to cause lung cancer. On the other hand, marijuana doesn't have any such substances and is a natural alternative.
  3. Cannabis is addictive. Studies show that smoking marijuana isn't addictive and it doesn't contain any chemicals that cause dependency. Many believe this myth because of its association with smoking, but in reality, there are no physical or biological symptoms from users pertaining to addiction.

Even though there are many benefits that people are already taking from the use of marijuana, it will probably take a long time before it becomes legalized everywhere. So far, it is known to be effective against certain diseases so all it needs is more open minds.

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