Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Legal Marijuana in Focus: Alaska

Cannabis may not survive in the frigid Alaskan north, but the use of this herb remains sunny in the Final Frontier. In fact, southern parts of the state provide the right climate for cultivation.

Over half of Alaskan voters voted in favor of Ballot Measure 8, which legalized of the drug in 1998. Like Oregon, Alaska is racing to become the third state to legalize marijuana for recreational use this November. So far, it's a neck-to-neck race, but it will all come down to who can formalize the legalization first.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Guidelines to Medical Marijuana Use in Illinois

The legislation that authorizes the use of medical marijuana in Illinois was signed by Governor Pat Quinn on August 1, 2013. Enterprising individuals in the state keeping an eye on a promising venture can look into their option of establishing a medical cannabis dispensary. However, they have to ensure they follow the standards when doing so. Here are the three priorities to keep in mind: