Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Reaping the Benefits of Cannabis

Medical marijuana has been proven to have several benefits that could help treat many health conditions. Although there are states that still consider this as a dangerous drug, a number of states in the U.S. has pardoned this and given patients limited access to the drug, so long as they use it for medical purposes only.

What many people fear about the use of marijuana is the intoxication and “high” feeling that they may get. However, with limited usage, there are real benefits that they could get from it. Some of the popular benefits of using medical marijuana include relieving nausea and pain, boosting appetite, acting as an anti-depressant, and treating muscle tension and spasms.

To get access to medical marijuana, a patient must first consult their doctor and see if he would recommend its use. There are other legal medicine and treatments that could be used as a substitute for medical marijuana, but some physicians may decide on recommending marijuana because it has been seen as a more effective treatment than using other kinds of drugs.

In some states, the use of medical marijuana dispensaries, which are facilities with ATM-like machines that could give a patient the right amount of dosage. Patients would need the recommendation of a doctor as well as a letter that explains the diagnosis and choice of the doctor. Some states issue I.D. cards that patients could use.

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